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What value does the DRINKT Simple INLINE Device bring?
Don't run out during a rush!
Don't guess how much is left at night!
Know your actual temperature!
Take the guesswork out of how much is left!
  • Have the next keg ready to go when the previous runs out.
  • No more guessing how much you have left based on sales or lifting a heavy keg. 
  • Know more about your day to day actual consumption, without slowing down or annoying anyone.
Now anyone can fight foam and bad taste!
Full Package No Metal Keg Side_edited.jpg
Easily monitor live temperature to fight foam.
  • View live data on more possible sources of foam and bad drink taste.
  • Most lines already have a pressure regulator and gauge. Line temperature and flow rate are the remaining variables that most heavily influence foaming and drink taste.
  • Nobody likes a drink that tastes bad, but why does foaming matter?
Foam can be costly
Industry average keg yield is about 76-77%. What does that mean to your business?
Let's say a 1984 oz keg costs $120, and expected revenue is $600 (124 16oz drinks = $4.83/16oz).
  • 23% average loss means 0.23*$4.83*124 = $137.75 lost per keg.
  • If the Simple INLINE Device helped this system reduce waste by a mere 3%, the business would make an extra $18/keg.
While foam waste CANNOT be completely eliminated, it can be continually fought to minimize your loss.

Learn more and purchase yours today!

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